Beryl Mackey
Beryl and his wife Barbara became members of the Parkview congregation in 1964. He was appointed as an elder in 1993 and oversees the education and youth ministries. He worked as a teacher, principal, and superintendent before retiring in 1988. He continues to work on his farm. Before her passing in January of 2023, Barbara served as the Ladies' Bible class coordinator, Bible school teacher, and various other ministries in her years at Parkview.

Sergio Lopez
Sergio and his wife Mary Beth have served the Parkview family since 2004. He was appointed as an elder in 2014. He oversees the buildings and grounds ministry, and Mary Beth is involved with the education and benevolence ministries. They have 4 children and 6 grandchildren. Sergio owns Sergio Lopez Construction, and Mary Beth is a homemaker.

Victor Howard
Victor and his wife, Pauline, became members at Parkview in 2021. He was ordained as an elder in 2023. Victor and Pauline are both retired and have 5 children and 9 grandchildren.

Barry Cox
Deacon over Physical Security & Health & Safety

Mark Stidham
Deacon of Benevolance
Roddgrick Washington
Deacon over Worship, Singing & Youth

Larry Tittle
Preaching minister
Larry joined the Parkview staff in August 2021. Larry grew up in Houston, TX and Aleta in parts of TX and Caribou, Maine before meeting at Harding University in 1971 and marrying in 1975. They've been married for 46 years and have four children and 13 grandchildren. Larry holds a Bachelor's and Master's degree from Harding University. He has served churches in Kaufman, Electra, Dallas, Mt Pleasant, TX, as well as Lovington and Clovis, NM serving in various ministry capacities: youth, education, involvement, preaching, etc.

Peggy Vaughn
office administrator
Peggy joined the Parkview staff in 2020 to serve as our bookkeeper. She has two adult children and two granddaughters.

Michael Price
Michael joined the Parkview staff in 2019. He is a Vietnam veteran and a loved member at Parkview church of Christ.

Camille Howard
Youth Coordinator & Tech Admin
Camille joined the Parkview congregation in 2021 and its staff in 2022. She has a background in social media management, content creation, and software implementation. She enjoys service in God's church, and being an aunt to her nieces and nephews.