Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Mombasa, Kenya
Parkview supports the Kisauni Church of Christ, which has a Sunday attendance of nearly 200. The congregation operates Tumaini Kisauni Academy, which is a nursery and elementary school. Moses Gitau serves as the evangelist.
The work in Mombasa has been our longest-supported mission work. Evangelist Moses Gitua and other native workers have done an excellent job of proclaiming the Gospel, which has led to the Kisauni congregation growing and helping plant and grow other congregations.
For more information concerning the work of the Lord’s church in Mombasa, click this link to be redirected to the overseeing congregation’s website: Memorial Road Church of Christ: Mombasa work 

Eastern European Missions
EEM prints and distributes Bibles and other Bible-based materials in 22 languages throughout 30 countries, including many public schools in Eastern Europe. Their mission is to make the printed Bible free and available to everyone in their own language!
Eastern European Missions is a ministry that prints and provides Bibles- free of charge- to students in European countries through the school systems. To date, they’ve printed the Bible in 22 languages and distributed them to over 4.5 million students in more than 30 nations.
For more information concerning Eastern European Missions, click this link to be redirected to their website: Eastern European Missions

Bangladesh & Nepal
There are less than 100 congregations in Bangladesh and Nepal with around 1500-2000 members. In 1996, the Khulna Bible College was started in Bangladesh, helping prepare individuals for ministry. Parkview supports these efforts.
Nepal has a population of over 28 million and is one of the poorest nations in the world. Formerly, it was the only Hindu monarchy in the world. By comparison, Bangladesh is much larger, boasting a population of over 165 million. The nation’s official religion is Islam, but its democratic constitution provides freedom of religion.
The Highland Park Church of Christ in Muscle Shoals, Alabama is the overseeing congregation. To be redirected to their website, click this link: Highland Park Church of Christ website

World Bible School
The mission of World Bible School is to “share the Good News of Jesus with the world’s lost by motivating and equipping everyday Christians to use interactive Bible studies effectively.” They achieve this by equipping 8,000 volunteers with the tools necessary to teach students from over 200 countries via the web and mail courses that are offered.
World Bible School is an online Bible correspondence course, partnering “study helpers” with students all around the world. They equip “study helpers”- Christians who volunteer their time and energy- with the resources they need to effectively lead students to obedience to the Gospel.
For more information concerning World Bible School, click this link to be redirected to their website: World Bible School

Cameroon & Chad
The mission work in Cameroon is Parkview’s newest sponsored work. The Cameroon Bible Institute of Wotutu (CBIW) was established on January 3, 2011. CBI Wotutu is an English-speaking preacher training school, preparing native men to preach in Cameroon.
Located on Africa’s west coast, Cameroon has great diversity of terrain, climate, culture, people groups, and languages. Major religions include Christianity, professed by about half the population, Islam, and ethnic religions primarily based in animism. In order to teach the gospel and share the love of the one true God, Cameroonians need discipleship and support in church planting, preacher training, and leadership development.
For more information concerning the work in Cameroon, including access to regular reports on this work, click this link to be redirected to the overseeing congregation’s website: Pattonville Church of Christ: Cameroon work
PV Youth Mission Trip & Service Projects
Every summer the Parkview youth group goes on a mission trip. In years past, the group has served at several different children’s homes and inner-city missions in 4 different states. We always have a different group of kids that we serve, but we always have the same goal: to point to Jesus in everything we do and say! This summer, we will be participating in two mission efforts, one local and one out of town. We will be conducting Texoma Work Camp, an at-home opportunity for our students to share the love of Jesus by serving our members and neighbors through basic home repairs (painting, etc.) and yard work.

Mission Reports

Want to know the progress of a mission?

Click below to view the most recent mission reports.

Thank you for your support towards the work in Bangladesh & Nepal!

A message of thanks form Bro. Mike Brooks, the Director of the mission work in Bangladesh & Nepal.

Mission Sunday

Help Us Support the Teaching of the Gospel.

Annually, in March, we collect funds towards the support of our missions. Prayerfully consider how you can help us meet these goals.